By Meggin Rutherford, JD  

  1. Cost: While there are no guarantees, Collaborative Divorce tends to be less expensive than traditional litigated divorce.  The team format reduces redundancies and streamlines the process.  
  1. Control: Collaborative Divorce is all about your family.  There are no court requirements, no formulaic answers.  You control the timeline and the outcome.  In court a judge who doesn’t know you from Adam decides your family’s life.  In Collaborative you and your partner decide what is best for your family.  
  1. Privacy: Court filings hang your dirty laundry out for the world to see.  In Collaborative, all your information stays confidential.  Documents do have to be filed in the court for finalization, but can be suppressed so that they are not publicly available.  
  1. Wise Investment: From the first dollar you spend in a Collaborative Divorce you are working toward a fair settlement.  In litigation you waste a lot of money on steps that do not help you reach your goal.  Your money is spent where you want it: focused on good agreements for your family.  
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